Friday, July 30, 2010

Rare Black Opal with all colours

Rare precious Black Opal with multiple colours

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One of the Biggest Plane Crash in the History of Pakistan

To all My  readers
With a huge grievance I  studied the chart of that time at which the plane was crashed in Islamabad the  Asc was Virgo and the most striking thing was the conj of Saturn with Mars and Uranus was opposing Saturn with exact degree i.e Saturn was 6 deg  Virgo and Uranus was at 6 degree pisces. If  we analyse horary  chart the lord of  6th and 8th  are conj in lagna. One of my Friend  astrologer told   me that there must be very big tragedy in last week of july  and this is the that. But further more I analysed and See that there will be another calamity when Mars and Saturn exactly conjunct on  31 july  and aspected by Uranus.
May God  prevent us from another tragedy.but astrology has its own merits and demerits. This is the chart of that time at which the plane was crashed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

How to Reduce Malefic Effects Part ii

Hi to all
This is the second part of previous post , as i discussed in previous post regarding the fasting to  remove the malefic effects of Mars and Saturn.
Now I'll discuss to remove the Malefic effects of Jupiter , Mercury and Venus .
As every one know Jupiter rules Thursday so keep fast on thursday and open fast with  chickpea pulse or chanay ki daal and as sweet eat basin kay3 ladu .
for  removal of malefic effect of Venus keep fast on friday and perfume yourself with some sweet smelling scent. and open the fast with kheer (sweet made of milk,rice and sugar).
for Mercury keep fast on wednesday and open fast with  whole green lentil( sabut moong ki daal). 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Simple way to reduce Malefic effects of Planets

Hi to all readers

Many of my clients and my followers who does not have time to do remedies for 43 days to reduce the malefic effects of planets or cannot purchase stones due to unavailability of Natural,unheated and untreated stones . Often feel that they can't solve or mitigate the malefic effects of planets .
Today I'll tell them the simple way to reduce the malefic effects of planets.
Its to keep fast on day of planet which is causing harm or malefic effect and opening fast with the things which are related to that planet . Like if any one has got Sade sati or Saturn's malefic effect he can fast on every Saturday and open fast with food made of black grams cooked in mustard oil with salt and with black whole pulse called as Sabut mash . For person's Whose Mars is causing ill effect can fast on tuesdays and open fast with orange lintel (pulse or Masoor ki daal ). further more planets food will tell you in next post.

waiting for your comments.

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